July 17 - 19 was a joyous time as Intereko Energia's South Sudan Sustainable Business Summit took place with great enthusiasm and hope. High level delegates, policy makers, business leaders and experts gathered for this prestigious event to address sustainable development and economic growth in South Sudan.

The summit's opening ceremony was filled with inspiring speeches from Mr. Jarek Grobelny, President and CEO of Intereko Energia Sp. z o.o., The South Sudanese Minister of livestocks and fisheries, Deputy Minister of justice and constitutional affairs, the Deputy Minister of Finance and Dr. Reuben Egolf, CEO of the UNASDG Diplomatoc Council, emphasizing the significance of responsible and inclusive business practices to foster social welfare and preserve the environment. Engaging discussions and presentations tackled pressing topics such as sustainable waste management, green infrastructure, human rights, security, mining, healthcare, and other innovative approaches.
The attendees actively participated in networking sessions, forging valuable connections that have the potential to pave the way for future collaborations and partnerships, working towards a more sustainable and prosperous South Sudan.
As this important event continued, valuable insights and innovative ideas were gathered that will contribute to the progress and resilience of South Sudan's business landscape. UNASDG is ready and able to support its partners Intereko Energia and South Sudan in this important challenge.