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Kenya's Kisumu County recognizes UNASDG and signs to jointly achieve the SDGs.

Today UNASDG Ambassador Hon. Geoffrey OGUNA signed a treaty with Kenya's Kisumu County Governor Anyong Nyong'o on behalf of President Senator Pat Meyer.

After extensive preparations by all involved parties in the last weeks, the Treaty was signed to begin the collaboration between UNASDG and the County Government of Kisumu, to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Kisumu will submit a comprehensive list of planned SDG projects and programs to UNASDG to discuss necessary implementation measures and prepare related funding through the UNASDG Investment Facility.

Kisumu's next steps are to establish the agreed upon requirements while UNASDG is already preparing all necessary members of the Council of Experts.

The international experts will work together with Kisumu to develop suitable solutions for individual implementation and to examine the possibilities for using the latest innovative technologies in the region.

A first cornerstone of the collaboration will be the planting of 500 seedlings. This will be the first step for the planned reforestation program under the UNASDG carbon credit and offset management program.




Intergovernmental Organization

Office of the President

1717 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Suite 1025

Washington D.C.

United States

Executive Board:

Sen. Pat Meyer

Executive President 

President of the Security Council

Sen. Hans Pflanz

Vice President



Diplomatic Council:

Sen. Dr. Reuben Egolf

Chief Executive Officer

Phone: +1 (202) 697 9775

Sovereign Intergovernmental Organization

Branch Sao Tome and Principe:

1:3-A, Rua Damao · Soa Tome · Sao Tome and Principe

Branch Liberia:

National Council of Chiefs and Elders Liberia · Macdonald Street ·

Monrovia · Republic of Liberia

Branch Suriname:

Amblygoniet straat no.27 · Maretraite V · Paramaribo PM · Suriname


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