Ukraine, climate change and working together in a fragmented world were the big topics this year. 2700 political and business representatives from 130 countries met again this year in Davos to clarify the most important issues and jointly agree on a constructive strategy.

The UNGSII SDG Lab once again discussed specific strategies to achieve the goals. These include, among others, the implementation of the 44 Cities Initiative in Tunisia, which was launched by UN-Habitat and will be implemented with experienced representatives of an individual expert panel with the support of UNGSII and UNASDG. The main measures include affordable housing, waste disposal and recycling, electricity generation, water supply and much more.
Another major issue is the now ratified Kinshasa Protocol, overseen by former U.S. Ambassador James D. Bindenagel (ret.), which is now ready to be implemented and rolled out to all African countries to ensure safe and humanitarian trade bridges between the African continent and the rest of the world.